Technical Support

What type of technical support does CEU Plan provide?

The CEU Plan Support process provides all of the information required to investigate your inquiry or problem. We need to know your name, e-mail address, phone number, state, course in question, nature of your inquiry and any general comments you may have to assist in our investigation.

We will forward an e-mail to you with our findings and a solution to your inquiry. It is important that you provide a correct and working e-mail address and to proofread your entries — this will allow for a seamless response to you.  Make sure we are included in your email address book: to prevent our response from being diverted to your spam folder.  All Technical Support inquiries must be written and e-mailed to our Technical Support matrix to generate the necessary history.  We do not publish a telephone number.

FAQs will address almost any topic or inquiry you may have. Over many years of developing our program, we have made major improvements and provided FAQs to resolve the majority of your concerns. Please feel free to check them out, but feel free to e-mail us to address any concerns that are not covered here.

Do I have to have High Speed Internet to take your courses?

The CEU Plan Support process provides all of the information required to investigate your inquiry or problem. We need to know your name, e-mail address, phone number, state, course in question, nature of your inquiry and any general comments you may have to assist in our investigation.

We will forward an e-mail to you with our findings and a solution to your inquiry. It is important that you provide a correct and working e-mail address and to proofread your entries — this will allow for a seamless response to you.  Make sure we are included in your email address book: to prevent our response from being diverted to your spam folder.  All Technical Support inquiries must be written and e-mailed to our Technical Support matrix to generate the necessary history.  We do not publish a telephone number.

FAQs will address almost any topic or inquiry you may have. Over many years of developing our program, we have made major improvements and provided FAQs to resolve the majority of your concerns. Please feel free to check them out, but feel free to e-mail us to address any concerns that are not covered here.


Manual Adjustment or Corrections Policy:

CEU Plan provides an affordable option for obtaining your continuing education requirements for license renewal. It is expected that the student understands and knows how to utilize a computer-based system, internet connections, and can manage online course enrollment and e-commerce. Due to this understanding, CEU Plan is able to maintain affordable pricing for course registration for all students. Should the student misrepresent their understanding of simple computer operation, fail to proofread their entries or course selection, incorrectly enter a license number, or perform any activity which is not the fault of CEU Plan, a manual technical fee, to make correction of these errors, may be charged, starting at $25 per occurrence.

I sent a technical support form, but I have not heard back from your technical department.

CEU Plan will respond promptly to your technical support inquiry.  However, your firewall, spamware and/or ISP might prevent us from doing our job for you!

CEU Plan sends a confirmation to you of your course registration automatically, in order to provide you with good service and login information for your courses.  When we receive an “undeliverable” response, it is often caused by your PC spamware, firewall, and/or ISO.  Please adjust your settings to allow us to provide you with this helpful information.  Most of these issues can be prevented by adding: to your address book or trusted sites manager. Your course receipts, login information and any technical support replies will be sent to you at your email address of record.