Course Enrollment 

How do I quickly locate and enroll in courses on the site?

I have taken courses from you before. As an Existing Student, how do I register?

I’m dual licensed and want to apply some courses to my water license and some to my wastewater license.

Register for your water courses under your water license and wastewater courses under your wastewater license. 

Every State agency approves its own catalog of courses, with different course numbers for each.  Generally, you will have different licenses for each, as well.  Not all courses are available for cross training as they are relevant only to DW or to WW.  In some states, the DW division will not approve certain WW courses nor generic relevancy issues, and the same is true for the WW division. For your convenience, CEU Plan courses are offered and listed according to state and agency regulations.  Please note:  Only courses for which we have a letter of approval from your state agency will be activated under that license category and type.  No course can be accredited to more than one license.

Moreover, some state agencies will not allow dual credit for the same course.  And lastly, rules and procedures are different between states and among state agencies, concerning monitors for acceptable passing scores, relevancy in course for license type, and classifications of approval. .  It is not possible to correctly assign credits with these parameters.  Due to the issues listed above and the complications that arise from them, CEU Plan can only credit the license that is active at the time of enrollment.

We have made our courses highly affordable, so you can enroll in drinking water courses for credit under your DW or DS license number and wastewater courses under your WW license number.  CEU Plan includes in our pricing: the cost of producing the training course, providing your instructor, the tracking and monitoring of your course required by the state, checking progress over the duration of the training course, your certificate of completion and the storage and verification/posting to your state agency, available over a ten-year time frame.

We do not duplicate course credits.  Neither between states nor license categories. There are NO exceptions to this policy, as we are governed by state agency rules across the country and IACET Standards.  CEU Plan is one of the very few training providers who report regularly to state agencies; while the majority of trainers require students to report course credits to the state agency on their own.  A one-time validation to your state agency, verifying you have enrolled in water or wastewater courses is Included in our affordable course pricing.  Should you require multiple credits within your state or are licensed in multiple states, you will need to enroll in the course for each application.

And finally, some states have combined the licensing numbers for water and wastewater, allowing for an inclusive validation.  If your license number is the same for WW and DW, you will be credited for both BY THE STATE.  Only in this circumstance can credit for a course be assigned for both. If your state does not exercise this policy or approach, you may want to discuss it with them, to encourage a policy with ease in reporting and recordkeeping for you, us and them.  If a state allows multiple credits, they need to consolidate the license numbers and course code numbers, and process it through their own system.

How long do I have to take my course after I enroll?

Upon registration, you have two (2) months to complete your training course.  CEU Plan tracks and monitors the courses in which you enrolled for two months. As you approach the 2-month end date of your enrollment, CEU Plan sends you an e-mail to let you know that the deadline is close. We automatically grant a 4-month extension, if needed, bringing the total tracking period to six months. Approaching the total 6-month time limit, we send another e-mail informing you that the extension is nearly up and warning you that the courses needed to be completed if you wish to receive credit. After that time, the course becomes inactive.  A re-activation (tech) fee may apply if you request that the course(s) be re-activated, within the extension period. This covers the cost of re-activation, tracking and monitoring, and reporting to your state agency.  Please make note, your state agency requires us to track and monitor your course progress until the course is completed. Even if you do not start or complete the course, CEU Plan is required to track each and every course during the activation period.  CEU Plan performs a check of each course on a bi-weekly schedule to generate roster report.

Courses delinquent over six (6) months will not be re-activated and no refund can be given, regardless of course status.  No carryover from previous licensing cycle is permitted, unless special arrangements have been made, prior to end of the previous cycle.  Written approval is required.  Special exceptions can be made—if this issue should arise, please submit a tech support form for investigation.  Any exception must be in writing; no verbal exception can be made.

I have looked at the “Getting Started” and "How to Take a Course" tutorials, but I’m still confused on how to enroll. Do you have a quick reference for enrolling in your courses?

Before you try to register again, here are a couple of helpful tips. Please read below: (You might want to print this page as a reference.)

When completing your course registration and submitting information for the credit card payment section, you must include the mailing address zip code, where you receive your credit card statement. If you receive your credit card statement at your home address – then submit your home address & zip code number on the credit card information page. Due to security reasons, the bank will not approve your course registration unless the correct information is provided.


Quick Review of all Courses and Enrollment:

  1. Go to your state
  2. Select whether you are DW or WW (double license individuals, see below)
  3. Click the View All Courses button or search by category or keywords
  4. Scroll down the list and see which courses you want to take
  5. When you see a course(s) that you want to take, click the little box on the right hand side (You can take all of the courses you want under the same registration. You can save an additional $7.50 processing fee if you order all at the same time.)
  6. Once you have selected all your courses, scroll to the bottom and click the ENROLL button.
  7. Complete the registration form; make sure to proofread your information and license number–that is what will be reported to the State, so make sure it is correct.
  8. The last page will be your credit card information; make sure you submit the correct credit card number, expiration date, and your address zip code where you receive your credit card statement; if any of these fields are not correct – the bank will decline your transaction.

When your registration has been approved, print your receipt, which shows your login information; username and password.

I do not have a license, but I would like to take some of your courses.

We have developed a field called NC meaning “non-credit” for any of our training courses, whether for water or wastewater. The NC field will allow you to select any of our courses for professional development or pleasure, concerning water or wastewater treatment and operations.  Our complete series of treatment processes, safety issues, regulations, maintenance, collection and distribution courses are included in the field.  By registering under the NC category, you minimize any errors related to license numbers or types during the registration and certification steps of our training program.

We hope you will enjoy our program. Our courses have been developed by highly experienced individuals within the water and wastewater treatment field, with over 1,500 years of combined experience within our Instructor Group. Our courses have been created for individuals interested in learning more about the field, those studying to become an operator or manager, as well as others, interested in science or public health.  Our courses are practical and common sense, designed to better assist you in troubleshooting, preventive maintenance, operations, and monitoring.


Here are some helpful steps to enroll in NC courses:

  1. Go to:
  2. Select your state or select the State of Florida (for the complete list)
  3. Followed by clicking the “NC” field
  4. 4. Search any course of interest; click the course title for the course description and
  5. It will be necessary to create a “License Number” for your registration.  We suggest either using an existing number or using your Name.
  6. Click the ENROLL box for any course of interest and follow the normal enrollment process. 

We would like to invite you to visit our “Getting Started” tutorial located at the top of this page. This introduction will explain how to enroll in a course, what your student page will look like, and how to take a course. 


How do I purchase courses?

• We accept major Credit Cards: Visa, MasterCard and American Express
• Prepaid Invoice via Company or Municipal check, and as stated below


Credit Card

CEU Plan does not collect any personal information when you purchase online training courses. We accept VISA, MasterCard, and American Express credit cards. We do not store any CC information and you must necessarily re-enter it for each transaction.  We do not release the names of operators or give students’ information to anyone other than the State Administrator overseeing the Operator Certification Program for his or her licensed state. We may ask for your telephone number, so that we can contact you in the rare event of a major technical difficulty with the system or your student page.


Pay by Money Order or Check:

You may pay for your course registration using a money order or cashier’s check denominated in United States dollars. If you choose to pay by money order, simply follow this procedure:

  1. Make your money order or cashier’s check payable to: CEU Plan in the full amount indicated for your courses plus the processing fee.
  2. Include a printed copy of your course registration and course selections with your payment.
  3. Write your name and the state on your money order.
  4. Failure to adhere to these order guidelines will result in the return of your payment.
  5. Please mail your payment to: 

CEU Plan 
Post Office Box 10355 
Brooksville, Fl. 34603

  1. Please note that it may take up to 10 days for your payment to be fully processed once we receive it. Expect an e-mail message, upon completion of the processing and activation of your courses.  As you will be informed by e-mail, make certain that your e-mail address is inserted correctly.
  2. Any returned check will result in the forfeit of CEU credits and is subject to a returned check fee of $25.00.



 Many course registrations are refundable before the courses begin; a refund fee may apply.  However, discount courses are non-refundable. Also, NO course refund will be allowed, once the course has been started, completed and/or CEU credits have been applied for the operator. Course reservations are subject to the refund policies, even if actual course credits have not yet been issued.  All refund requests must be submitted in writing, through a Technical Support form.  


 It is the responsibility of the student or enrollee, to select and enroll in courses to meet their renewal requirements, their interests or studies.  CEU Plan cannot be held responsible for any enrollment issue associated with course selection.  Should an error occur, a course can be exchanged, prior to starting, for a tech fee per course. Transcript and tracking/monitoring are state requirements, so exchanges require time-consuming adjustments.  NO COURSE is allowed to be exchanged, once it has been started.

I want to enroll with my credit card. What do I need to make sure it works?

Make sure your mailing address and credit card information match, for security purposes. When completing your course registration and submitting information for the credit card payment section, make sure you insert the correct zip code.  You must include the mailing address – zip code of where you receive your credit card statement. If you receive your credit card statement at your home address – then submit your home address zip code number on the credit card information page. Due to security reason, the bank will not approve your purchase, unless the correct information is provided.

After you have selected your courses and completed the information section, click only once!   A $ 7.50 processing fee is charged for the overall course enrollment.  Should you double click the approved for payment button, this may cause the system to recognize two separate registrations and bill you twice for the same enrollment. 


Some ISPs are slow to transmit your selections and information, but please, rest assured, it is processing. CEU Plan is a totally secure site and, for verification, check the padlock in the bottom right hand corner of the page.  All of our transactions include a 128-bit encryption to the banking system, which protects both of us. Please, proofread your entries and then click the payment button once!!

How do I log into my student page and take my course?

Login to your student page:

Here’s the simple procedure to login to take your course (you might want to print this for future reference):


  1. Go to:
  2. Insert your username and password in the boxes
  3. Click the login button
  4. Select your license number that you want to be active
  5. All of your courses are shown on your My Courses page
  6. Pick the course that you want to study
  7. The last highlighted section is where you have left-off.
  8. Click there to continue your course studies
  9. Remember to finish all sections of the course and the Q&As in order to complete each course.  Once the evaluation form has been submitted, the course completion will drop onto your My Transcript page.  
  10. Go to your My Transcript page, locate the course, then you may print your Certificate of Completion. 

What if I’m taking a course and my chlorine alarm goes OFF, what do I do?

If your studies are interrupted or a computer breakdown occurs, take care of the emergency first.  After things settle down and you’re ready to return to your studies (next day, next week, i.e.) simply go to the section of your course where you left off and re-start that section.  Your previously completed section(s) will be stored in the CEU Plan Memory until you come back.