Policy Statement

Site Security

We utilize a SQL database storage system and our site is totally secured with a SSL SHA-2 hash algorithm and 2048-bit encryption directly to our e-commerce.  This security process proceeds rapidly upon your approval for payment activation on our course registration form; in accordance with the CA/Browser (Certification Authority Browser) Forum.  The overall system is validated annually via the PCI Compliance test between credit card clearing house and e-commerce infrastructure @ CEU Plan..  

The security process involves verification of the CEU Plan commerce, verification of the requesting person and their credit card information, along with verification that our domain is certified between the banking system receiving and transmitting the electronic payment for the training courses.  

CEU Plan has multiple registrations daily and must provide assurance to all operators that we do not store any credit card numbers or accounts, we do not sell and exchange any personal data, our books are totally open to any state agency, and honesty within our program is our policy to build upon.

Scam policy - Fraudulent e-mails and pop-ups

CEU Plan is aware of fraudulent emails and pop-up Web pages.  Online fraud is an industry-wide concern and CEU Plan, like most financial institutions and companies that conduct business on the Internet, has been the target of fraudulent email and Web site scams.


How CEU Plan Helps Protect Clients:

We are actively monitoring these incidents, and have an aggressive process in place to identify the sources of online fraud.  In addition, we have a comprehensive plan to educate our clients and employees about these scams.  We are also working closely with law enforcement agencies, industry groups and other institutions to help minimize the impact of these scams on the public and to prosecute scammers.


CEU Plan Client Commitment:

CEU Plan will never send emails asking clients to provide, update or verify personal or credit card account information, such as passwords, Social Security numbers, pins, credit or Check Card numbers, or other confidential information.

If you responded to a Suspicious Email or Pop-up Web site:

If you have provided personal or account information in response to a suspicious email or pop-up web page, please contact a CEU Plan representative immediately by e-mailing any information to: support@ceuplan.com.

In the future, if you receive unsolicited email or pop-up web page requests for personal or account information, do not respond. Please forward information about suspicious communications to report: support@ceuplan.com

Disregard any and all e-mails except for: support@ceuplan.com

Privacy Statement

CEU Plan respects your privacy and we value the trust and confidence you place in us. We are committed to safeguarding your privacy online so that you can use our services in good faith and use ceuplan.com as the place to fulfill all of your CEU credits – licensing requirements. This policy describes our commitment to your privacy and is effective, as of September 5, 2001. By using the site you understand and expressly agree to CEUs Privacy Policy for the CEU Plan web site.  Professional conduct and behavior is the bare minimum between staff members, instructors, and students with any disrespect resulting in dismissal from the program.

Academic Honesty

Students are expected to be honest and ethical in their academic work. Many students do not understand what academic dishonesty is. It is important that you are familiar with its different forms so that you can maintain your integrity as a student.

Academic dishonesty includes altering or misusing documents; impersonating, misrepresenting, or knowingly providing false information as to one’s identity or providing false information regarding completion of course sections or quizzes.

Students are accountable for dishonest acts committed prior to and during enrollment with the CEU Plan.  The term “students” includes quiz takers, prospective students and enrolled students.  Students who engage in acts of academic dishonesty related to CEU Plan may be denied additional course registration or continued enrollment in courses and may be denied certification credits.  Any violator will be banned from the program.

Copyright and Trademark Notice

Copyright © 2000-2025 CEU Plan, Incorporated.  All rights reserved. Patent Pending.

CEU Plan is committed to the advancement and promotion of water and wastewater treatment plant operators, mechanics, plant and lab staff, and any interested in the improvements and preservation of the water and wastewater treatment field. To fulfill this mission, the content of this web site is dedicated to advancing our students, as well as the public, the technology, science, management, and government policies relative to the protection of the nation’s water supply.  CEU Plan must enforce the following restrictions with regard to the information provided on this website.

The content of this web site is published by CEU Plan Incorporated, and is protected by the copyright laws of the United States.  No material appearing on this web site may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any media (electronic, photocopying, recording, or otherwise) without prior written permission of the publisher.

To request permission to reproduce any copyrighted material from CEU Plan (in printed or electronic form), submit in writing the following information:

  • The source of the material to be reproduced – URL, file name, date of access.
  • A description of the material to be reproduced (e.g., entire document, excerpt, illustration)
  • The purpose for which the material is to be used and the audience – i.e. inclusion on another web site, in a new publication, in a marketing packet for potential clients, with classroom materials, etc. (other than reproducing CEU plan material on another web site)
  • The quantity to be reproduced, if applicable.


The above information should be submitted to:

General Manager
CEU Plan Incorporated
Post Office Box 10355
Brooksville, Fl. 34603



CEU Plan logo and all other CEU Plan domains and products appearing for or referenced herein, and all related marks, logos, characters, designs, and trade dress are trademarks or registered trademarks of CEU Plan.  All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.  All rights are reserved and registered with the United States Patents and Trademark Office.

Harassment Policy

CEU Plan is committed to providing an environment for learning, networking, and expanding the skills sets and knowledge of every student.  Regardless of the venue, CEU Plan works to provide a safe and comfortable learning environment that is free from harassment of any kind.  Any type of harassment is a violation of this policy and may be illegal.  CEU Plan strives to create and maintain a learning environment in which people are treated with dignity, decency, and respect.  The training environment at CEU Plan is characterized by mutual trust and the absence of intimidation, oppression or exploitation.  CEU Plan does not tolerate any type of threat or act of intimidation or provocation of any kind, in retaliation against our technical assistance program, instructors or any sanctioned event of CEU Plan.  

Harassment can take many forms.  It may be, but is not limited to, the following: words, signs, jokes, pranks, intimidation, physical or social media contacts, or violence.  The Program Administrator is responsible for helping keep our training environment free of harassment: a role that includes working with the technical service department in response to inquiries and the need for technical assistance.  If anyone becomes aware of an incident of harassment, whether by witnessing the incident or being told of it, they must report this to the Technical Support department.  When CEU Plan becomes aware of any harassment, it is obligated by law to take prompt and appropriate action, whatever the event or technical issue.  All complaints or inquiries shall be considered confidential to the maximum extent possible.

Generally, harassment is considered to have occurred when conduct:

  1. Has the intent or effect of creating intimidating, hostile or offensive conduct in the educational environment
  2. Has the intent or effect of substantially or unreasonably interfering with a student’s academic performance
  3. Includes severe or pervasive conduct, enough to create a learning environment that a reasonable person would consider intimidating, hostile or abusive
  4. Or otherwise adversely affects a student’s opportunities

Harassment is offending behavior that creates a hostile environment.  Both objective and subjective perspectives are considered in relation to a particular type of conduct, including the victim’s age, race, gender, disability, and/or any other protected classes as defined by law…

Individuals or groups are in violation of CEU Plan policy, if they engage in the following types of behaviors toward an individual, team member or volunteer; at any function, technical support service, instructor interface or any sanctioned event of CEU Plan.

  1. Making demeaning or derogatory remarks or comments directly or indirectly to an individual or group because of his/her/their disability, race, ethnicity, color, gender, sexual orientation, national origin or ancestry, religion, age, veteran status or any other protected status as defined by law
  2. Displaying suggestive visual or written material of a sexual nature
  3. Defacing CEU Plan property or materials by writing demeaning or derogatory words, letters, names or the like directly or indirectly to an individual or group because of his/her/their disability, race, ethnicity, color, gender, sexual orientation, national origin or ancestry, religion, age, veteran status or any other protected status as defined by law
  4. Staring or glaring or showing obscene or suggestive gestures at any sponsored CEU Plan event
  5. Repeatedly calling our technical assistance team when the technical issue is not caused by the CEU Plan program, i.e., related to your ISP connection, or your computer operability. It is your responsibility to review the “Getting Started” and/or “How to Take an Online Course” tutorials located on the CEU Plan home page, and to check your system to be sure it meets the system requirements.  CEU Plan will assist you when possible, but cannot provide support beyond the scope of our own program.
  6. Damaging, defacing, or destroying private property of any individual or group because of his/her/their disability, race, ethnicity, color, gender, sexual orientation, national origin or ancestry, religion, age, veteran status or any other protected status as defined by law

Discriminatory behavior toward an individual with a disability may be considered harassment when the disability-focused behavior is sufficiently severed, pervasive or persistent as to interfere with or limit the ability of an individual to participate in or benefit from the CEU Plan program or events.

Victims of harassment can suffer significant psychological effects, including anxiety, depress, headaches, sleep disorders, weight loss or gain, nausea, lowered self-esteem and other dysfunction.  They experience job-related costs as well: from job loss, decreased morale, decreased job satisfaction, to irreparable damage to interpersonal relationships at work and home.  In addition, in the higher education setting, student victims of harassment may feel pressured to drop a course, change their major or minor, and experience physical and psychological distress.  Harassment causes a tense and unproductive working and learning environment.  

Consequences of harassment may include referral for training, referral for counseling, written or verbal reprimand, suspension, reassignment or termination of the training event.  Referral to another appropriate authority for review for possible violation of State of Federal statues may also be appropriate; but is not limited to fraudulent activity, anger management, ethics or illegal activities.  

Any student found to have violated any portion of the CEU Plan policy may be subject to appropriate disciplinary action, which may include, but is not limited to: referral for anger management, counseling, written or verbal reprimand, suspension, reassignment or termination of the training event. Should termination of the training occur, student will forfeit all course credits and enrollment fees, as reimbursement for the technical service and time in assisting, prior to and including the termination of the training event. Any dispute or challenge by the student of the determination shall have ten days from the date of the notice to appeal.  Bank/Credit Card Chargebacks will not be accepted after the ten-day appeal period.

CEU Plan provides equal opportunities for all students and prohibits any form of discrimination/harassment/disrespect in all facets of the educational environment including, but not limited to, any program or activity sponsored by CEU Plan.  These prohibitions apply to all students, contractors, staff, employees, and to third parties not directly subject to course instructional design or studies.  Third parties may include audiences or competitors in training competitions, service contractors, program visitors, and employees of business or organizations involved in course development and/or production.

Reference:  Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, the Age Discrimination in Employment Act, Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, the Americans with Disabilities Act, the Age Discrimination in Employment Act.