General Information

Tell me about CEU Plan?

We would like to invite you to visit our website at:, an online training organization for professionals in the water and wastewater treatment field and environmental professions. Currently, we offer continuing education in the following fields (depending on state interest and availability):

DW — Drinking Water Operators
DS — Distribution Systems
WW — Wastewater Operators
CS — Collection Systems
WD — Well Drillers
PE — Professional Engineers involved in Water & Wastewater
NC  — Non Credit
IW — Industrial Wastewater
LA — Lab Analyst
OW — Onsite Wastewater
EH — Environmental Health

CEU Plan offers a full range of training courses to meet CEU or PDH license renewal requirements.  Our instructors are highly experienced individuals with over 1,500 years of combined experience within the water, wastewater, and environmental health fields.

We would like to invite you to visit our “Getting Started” and “How to Take a Course” tutorial located on your state page.  This introduction will explain how to enroll in a course, what your student page will look like, and how to take a course.    

I’m sure you will find this very helpful, especially if you are taking courses online for the first time.  After you have completed your courses, you may print your Certificate of Completion, to submit with your license renewal application.  Should the State contact us, we will certify your completion for them.

My Account History is located on your student page: Click My Account History, which will provide you with a receipt for your courses and a historical record of all courses where you have been enrolled. 

Should you have any continued problems, please let us know. Click the Technical Support button and submit a technical support form – this work order form allows us to investigate your issue — see the Technical Support section below, for details.

And lastly, should you be double licensed and require CEUs for multiple licenses, please remember, you must have a separate folder for each license, since they are reported separately, so that your CEU credits can be applied for renewal. We cannot forward the same course credits to multiple licenses; the state will not allow this.

Do I have to have High Speed Internet to take your courses?

Some courses contain text only and text with graphics and are easily accessible through dial-up internet connections.  Should the course be listed as a “Classic Course”, it is text based and available for reading on your desktop or mobile device.


For the best results, we recommend:

  • 1 GB RAM or better
  • Cable or high-speed internet connection
  • Printer (for printing courses at your option)



Our dedicated servers are located in one of the largest data centers in the country, with huge fiber commitments totaling over 11 Gbps of aggregate bandwidth. The main datacenter is housed in a 30,000 square foot facility with over 15,000 square feet of hosting space available.  The datacenter starts with multiple and diverse pipes into the Internet backbone.   Connections range from OC-12s to Gigabit Ethernets to UUNet, Qwest, Level 3, Global Crossing and MCI carriers.   To handle multi-homed connections, they employ BGP4 routing through the CISCO edge routers to ensure a faster access for our Internet traffic.  The dual layered network design with multiple routers and switches and independent network paths ensures that there are no single-point failures.  This allows our network to operate smoothly and with minimal translation interruptions.  

CEU Plan uses an industry-leading streaming video provider service dedicated cloud CDN for all video storage and retrieval and the download bandwidth is reported to be “unlimited” (not just our experience — in testing, no limitations can be found).  All videos are encoded at 720/30p H.264 for HTML5 support. There are no requirements for video plugins, though if you are using UBUNTU, you may have to add the ffmpeg codec for best uninterrupted playback.  For all other OS, the adaptive streaming is native and will optimize for your internet connection.  The multiple media servers automatically detect and adjust for device connection and location.   

Internet Browser

CEU Plan courses will run on any device that can access the internet, but is tested on Microsoft Internet Explorer (v7.x+), Microsoft Edge, Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, Opera, SRWare Iron, Android and Apple Safari browsers. Your browser should be set to accept browser cookies and any pop-up blocker must be turned off.