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A – Z Course

Course Title

Activated Sludge I - Introduction and Overview 351
Activated Sludge I: Introduction and Overview ------- Text-based version 24
Activated Sludge II - Secondary Clarifiers and RAS-WAS 352
Activated Sludge II: 2nd Clarifiers and RAS-WAS ------- Text-based version 25
Activated Sludge III - Oxygen Demand - Transfer - Uptake 353
Activated Sludge III: Oxygen Demand-Transfer-Uptake ------- Text-based version 26
Activated Sludge IV - Process Control and Troubleshooting - part one 354
Activated Sludge IV: Process Control & Troubleshooting - Part 1 ------- Text-based version 112
Activated Sludge V - Troubleshooting - part two 355
Activated Sludge V: Troubleshooting - Part 2 ------- Text-based version 116
Activated Sludge: Complete Course ------- Text-based version 118
Advanced Leadership Skills for Utility Operators 316
Advanced Mathematics 52
Advanced Mathematics for Water Treatment and Distribution Operators 332
Advanced Time Management Skills for Utility Professionals 323
Air Valves 223
Analytical Chemistry Techniques 156
Analytical Instruments used for Water & Wastewater 249
Arsenic Rule 124
Asset Management 231
Atomic Bonding 326
Atomic Theory 325
Back Disorders 70
Backflow Prevention - Introduction to 144
Basic Chemistry and Laboratory Techniques 207
Basic Computers 60
Basic Laboratory Terminology and Concepts 270
Basic Leadership Skills for Utility Supervisors 315
Basic Mathematics 51
Basic Mathematics for Water and Wastewater Operators 331
Basic Microbiology and Parasites - Introduction to 138
Basic Microbiology, Part 1 110
Basic Microbiology, Part 2 139
Basic Microscopes for Water & Wastewater Operators 248
Basic Time Management Skills for Utility Professionals 322
BC - Basic Chemistry: complete series 40
BC: Analytical Chemistry 47
BC: Atoms & Molecules 41
BC: Chemical Bonding 44
BC: Chemical Nomenclature 45
BC: Nuclear Decay 42
BC: Solubility 46
BC: States of Matter 43
BC: Water Purification 48
Becoming a Water - Wastewater Operator 335
BFCS - Becoming a First Class Supervisor: complete series 127
BFCS: Delegation/Motivation 131
BFCS: Effective Supervisory Communication 129
BFCS: Leadership/Coaching 130
BFCS: Transition from Craftsman to Supervisor 128
Bio-Augmentation 21
Biological Nutrient Removal - Introduction to 108
Blueprints - How to Read Blueprints 345
Blueprints I 61
CDC Organization - Introduction to the 32
Chemistry of Lead Contamination in Drinking Water 319
Chloramination 283
Chlorinators 8
Chlorine - Introduction to 6
Chlorine Dioxide 10
Chlorine Procedures 9
CIPP Point Repairs for Sanitary Sewers 234
Clarifier Operations 250
Collection Mathematics 104
Collection System: Sewer Line Root Control 173
Collection Systems: Getting to the Root of the Sewer Problem 174
Collection Systems: Recordkeeping - Root Control and Manholes 350
Common Pitfalls of Chemical Feed 245
Components of Chlorine 7
Concrete Pressure Pipe - Introduction to 230
Consumer Confidence Report and Public Notification Rules 337
Corrosion Control 167
Corrosion Management 246
Cost Saving Methods for Water & Wastewater Utilities. 336
CPM - Corrective Preventive Maintenance: Complete Series 55
CPM: Building a PM Program 57
CPM: Creating SOPs 91
CPM: Functions, Failures - Mode & Effects 56
CPM: Tracking Failures 58
Cross Connection Control - Introduction to 258
Cybersecurity for Operators 253
Data & Risk Assessment - Overview for 2024 339
Data Protection and Privacy Issues of the 2020s 321
Data Protection for Utility Operators 307
Dechlorination: Gas Application and Usage 14
Design - Build & Other Project Delivery Methods for Water & Wastewater Projects 344
Developing and Implementing a Utility Security Plan 317
Disinfectant Alternatives 282
Disinfectants and Disinfection By-Products Rule 82
Distillation 161
Distribution Mathematics 105
Distribution System Monitoring 284
Drinking Water Treatment Processes 346
Drinking Water: Leaded or Unleaded? 313
Dye Tracing of the Path of Water 148
Ebola: An emerging waterborne pathogen? 280
Emerging Pathogens in Water & Wastewater 12
Emerging Waterborne Pathogens 29
Employing the ISO 27001 Standard - Security Aspects for Utility Plants Checklist 324
Enhanced Coagulation 27
Ergonomics 72
ERS - Generators 235
ERS - Emergency Response Series: After the Disaster 172
Ethics in the Utility Workplace 320
Fecal Coliform Bacteria Determination 266
Filamentous Bacteria & Process Control 141
Filtration 154
Fire Hydrant Inspection, O & M, & Flushing 232
Flow Meters 101 227
Fluoridation 152
FOG: Fats, Oils, and Grease 168
Fundamentals & Hydraulics of Backflow 259
Geology 22
GIS - Introduction to 276
Grit Removal 233
Ground Water System Operations 244
Hazardous Materials - Basic Need-to-Know for Water and Wastewater Operators 329
Hazardous Materials Effects to Human Health 28
Health Concerns of Public Interest 31
Heat Stress 67
History of Ultraviolet Disinfection 122
How to Solve a Word Problem 294
Hydrologic Cycle and Aquifers - Introduction to the 145
I & I: Inflow & Infiltration 304
Identification and Control of Filamentous Bacteria 151
Indoor Air 65
Industrial Wastewater 222
Industrial Wastewater Sludge 175
Information Security and Cybersecurity Issues 305
Information Security for Utility Managers 303
Information Security for Utility Professionals 302
Introduction to Reclaimed Water 150
Ion Exchange 160
Ion Exchange Resin Troubleshooting 157
Jar Testing 281
Lab Practices - Overview for 2024 342
Laser Hazards 68
Lead and Copper Rule 123
Lead Sampling In School Buildings 314
Leadership 164
Legionnaires Disease 69
Lift Station - overview and helpful tips 349
Lift Station Repair 54
Lime/Soda Ash Softening for Water Plant Operators 226
LP (Laboratory Practices): Wastewater Techniques: complete series 210
LP: Basic Drinking Water Quality Tests 205
LP: Basic Wastewater Lab Procedures 200
LP: Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) 201
LP: Drinking Water Bacteriological Procedures 206
LP: Nitrogen-Ammonia by Ion-Selective Electrode (ISE) method 204
LP: Water Laboratory Quality Assurance 208
LP: Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) - streaming format 264
LP: Fecal Coliform Bacteria Membrane Filter Procedure 203
LP: Lab Terminology and Apparatus 199
LP: Solids 202
LS - Laboratory Safety: Complete Series 171
LS: Labware/Waste Disposal 170
LS: Chemical & Biosafety 113
LS: Electrical, Fire and Radiation Safety 169
LS: Overview, Rules, & Regulations 33
LS: The Nucleus of a Lab Safety Program 34
Management Relations for Operators - Introduction to 215
Math Applications for Chemistry 328
Math for Water Plant and Distribution Operators 225
Mechanical Seal Failures 256
Mechanical Seals - Introduction to 255
Membrane Separations 163
Membrane Troubleshooting 158
Minimizing Sewer Back-Up Liabilities 224
Nitrate/Nitrite Rule 159
Nuts, Bolts, & Gaskets - an Introduction 275
Nuts, Bolts, & Gaskets - part one 274
On-Site Sodium Hypochlorite: Application, Production, and Usage 19
Operations - Overview for 2024 343
Operator Certification Intro 334
Operator Math Made Easy - Area 291
Operator Math Made Easy - Flow Rates 293
Operator Math Made Easy - Overview 338
Operator Math Made Easy - Volume 292
ORP - Wastewater Biological Nutrients Removal Process 102
Oxidation in Water/Wastewater 20
Package Wastewater Treatment Plants 114
Parasites, Part 2 137
Parasites, Part I - Helminths 111
Paying for Lead Service Lines Replacement 311
Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) 71
Personal Sampling 62
Physical Infrastructure Security Planning 318
Pipe, Valve, and Fittings 53
Pipe, Valve, and Fittings - an introduction 300
Pipeline Condition Assessment Technologies 306
Pipeline Maintenance - Overview for 2024 341
Plastic Piping Systems - Overview 340
PLCs in Water and Wastewater, Introduction to 287
Primary Treatment 75
Principles of Chlorination and Dechlorination 13
Privacy Act - Data Protection - GDPR Essentials 301
Procedures for UV Pilot Testing 115
Public Admin I 211
Pump Station Maintenance 228
Pumps - an introduction 312
Reasonable Security Measures to Protect your Plant 251
Reservoir Storage and Direct Filtration Plant Tour 347
Respiratory Protection 74
RETIRED: Ohio - OW Installer Test for Erie, Huron, Sandusky, and Seneca Counties 177
Reverse Osmosis 162
Revised Total Coliform Rule 125
Risk Assessment and Emergency Response Planning for Utility Professionals 308
Robotics 73
Safety and Chemical Basics 327
Sampling for Surface 63
Sanitary Sewer Manhole & Wet Well Rehabilitation 309
SCADA and HMIs - Introduction to 288
Septage Handling at the Treatment Plant 166
Settling and Clarification 155
Sludge Conditioning & Dewatering 38
Sludge Digestion and Beneficial Use 39
Sludge Digestion and Solids Handling: Complete Course 35
Solids Analysis: TSS, TDS, VSS, and More 265
Solids Handling and Stabilization - Introduction to 36
Stabilizations 37
Stormwater Systems: New Orleans - History of Stormwater Pumping 219
Supervision and Management Relations for Operators 213
Supervision for Operators - Introduction to 214
Technical Equipment 64
Terrorism Vulnerability Assessment in Community Water 81
Testing a DCVA - Double Check Valve Assembly 240
Testing a PVB - Pressure Vacuum Breaker Backflow Prevention Device 242
Testing a RPZ - Reduced Pressure Principle Backflow Prevention Device 241
The World of FOG 252
Thermal Controls 247
Toxic & Hazardous Material Handling Procedures 109
TPMAP - Treatment Plant Maintenance and Accident Prevention: complete series 132
TPMAP: Checklists Mean More than a Checkmark 135
TPMAP: Equipment Failures and Hazards 134
TPMAP: Ownership of Equipment 133
TPMAP: Solutions Can be Healthy 136
Trenchless Technologies: An Introduction 84
Trenchless Technologies: Complete Course 93
Trenchless Technologies: Pipeline & Structure Rehabilitation 92
Trickling Filters 76
UV Disinfection - Sizing a UV & Factors affecting Operations 120
UV Technology - Introduction to 23
Ventilation 66
Wastewater Formulas 103
Wastewater Microbiology & Process Control - Introduction to 142
Wastewater Microbiology & Process Control - part one 143
Wastewater Microbiology & Process Control - part two 153
Wastewater Operational Tools 107
Wastewater Ponds and Lagoons 290
Wastewater Sludge Treatment 11
Wastewater Treatment Performance & Control - part 1 - Headworks & Influent 295
Wastewater Treatment Performance & Control - part 2 - Flow Distribution & Activated Sludge 296
Wastewater Treatment Performance & Control - part 3 - Sludge Age & Secondary Clarifiers 297
Wastewater Treatment Performance & Control - part 4 - Filtration & Disinfection 298
Wastewater Treatment Performance & Control - part 5 - Biosolids 299
Wastewater Treatment Process Control Tools 254
Water Loss Control 229
Water Reuse - Pros & Cons of the first Dual Water System in the USA 348
Water Shortage, Reuse, & Recovery 146
Watersheds and Riversheds - Introduction to 147
Wetlands: Study of the Everglades 149
What is Cryptosporidium? 30
WTT - Water Treatment Techniques: Complete Series ------- Text-based version 96
WTT: Distillation ------- Text-based version 99
WTT: Filtration ------- Text-based version 97
WTT: Ion Exchange ------- Text-based version 100
WTT: Membrane Separation ------- Text-based version 101
WTT: Settling and Clarification ------- Text-based version 98
Your Responsibilities with the Regulatory Agencies 80
Your Responsibilities with the Regulatory Agency 330