The formation of the United States Environmental Protection Agency marked a new era of environmental awareness in America. The U. S. Environmental Protection Agency is charged by Congress with protecting the Nation's land, air, and water resources. Under a mandate of national environmental laws, the Agency strives to formulate and implement actions leading to a compatible balance between human activities and the ability of natural systems to support and nurture life. To meet this mandate, USEPA's research program is providing data and technical support for solving environmental problems today and building a science knowledge base necessary to manage our ecological resources wisely, understand how pollutants affect our health, and prevent or reduce environmental risks in the future.
USEPA developed the National Risk Management Research Laboratory for investigating technicological and management approaches for reducing risks from threats to human health and the environment. The focus of the Laboratory's research program is on methods for the prevention and control of pollution to air, land, water and subsurface resources; protection of water quality in public water systems; remediation of contaminated sites and ground water; and prevention and control of indoor air pollution. The goal of this research effort is to catalyze development and implementation of innovative, cost-effective environmental technologies; develop scientific and engineering information needed by USEPA to support regulatory and policy decisions; and provide technical support and information transfer to ensure effective implementation of environmental regulations and strategies.
It is recognized that there are a number of design manuals, manuals of standard practice, and design guidelines currently available in the field that adequately describe and interpret current engineering practices as related to traditional plant design and operation. It is the intent of these courses to supplement this existing body of knowledge by describing new treatment methods, and by discussing the application of new techniques for more effectively removing contaminants from water and wastewater.